Current work
Impression Management, “Optics” Maintenance, and Dramaturgical Loyalty Within White Supremacist Organizations
In this article published in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, I analyze the impression management strategies used by various white supremacist organizations that make up the Alt-Right movement in the United States.
Alessandro Giuseppe Drago
Aug 21, 2024
Peer-Reviewed Article
Discursive Opportunities and the Motivational Framing of Human Rights Activism for East Timor; A Cross-National Analysis
In this article, published in a Mobilization, we look at the global solidarity movement for East Timor’s use of strategic, nationally grounded motivational framing and their efforts to gain concessions from their national governments.
Julian Torelli
Alessandro Giuseppe Drago
Last updated on Aug 21, 2024
Peer-Reviewed Article
Strikes, general assemblies and institutional insurgency; explaining the persistence of the Québec student movement
In this article published in Social Movement Studies, I look at the longetivity of the Québec student movement and its resisitance to the Iron Law of Oligarchy. A combination of organizational prowess, legal protections and adherence to a militant ideology known as ‘combative syndicalism’ helps to keep the organziations which comprise the Québec student movement radical and maintain their mobilization potential.
Alessandro Giuseppe Drago
Last updated on Aug 21, 2024
Peer-Reviewed Article
Liens sociaux, initiatives collectives et processus conflictuels; le cas des mobilisations contre la gentrification à Parc-Extension, Montréal.
This article, published in Recherches sociographiques, focuses on the micro-level processes in community organizations which can both help or hinder mobilization and the capacity to gain concessions from elites. Using ethnographic methods on two community housing groups in Montréal, we find that the creation of collective identity, emotional energy and the maintenance of social infrastructures are integral in maintaining movement unity, cohesion, avoiding burnout and more.
Emanual Guay
Alessandro Giuseppe Drago
Last updated on Aug 21, 2024
Peer-Reviewed Article
Towards a New EU; Why Populism Can Save the European Union
In this article I look at the rise of right-wing and left-wing populist parties in Europe and argue that both speak to the large democratic deficit subjectively felt in European Union countries.
Alessandro Giuseppe Drago
Last updated on Aug 21, 2024
Peer-Reviewed Article
Classes, utopies réelles et transition : hommage à Erik Olin Wright
Le sociologue Erik Olin Wright a rédigé, au cours des quatre dernières décennies, de nombreux livres et articles caractérisés à la fois par une grande rigueur intellectuelle et une imagination remarquable sur des questions telles que les classes sociales, la démocratie et le renouvellement du projet émancipateur de la gauche à l’aube du XXIe siècle.
Emanuel Guay
Alessandro Giuseppe Drago
Feb 21, 2022
3 Book Review
Books reviewed: How to Be an Anticapitalist in the 21st Century, d’Erik Olin Wright, Londres et New York, Verso, 2019. Feminism for the 99 % : A Manifesto, de Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya et Nancy Fraser, Londres et New York, Verso, 2019.
Alessandro Giuseppe Drago
Emanuel Guay
Last updated on Aug 21, 2024
Book Review
Book Review: Palaces for the People
Book reviewed: Palaces for the People : How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life, d’Eric Klinenberg, New York, Crown, 2018
Emanuel Guay
Alessandro Giuseppe Drago
Last updated on Aug 21, 2024
Book Review
Au-delà de la social-démocratie
Dans un article paru en 2017, l’historien Robert Brenner souligne que la gauche semble paralysée par une double impasse. D’une part, on observe des mouve- ments sociaux qui, en aspirant à une autonomie complète par rapport aux institu- tions établies, se condamnent trop souvent à l’isolement politique.
Emanuel Guay
Alessandro Giuseppe Drago
May 3, 2019